Hello and welcome to the most sustainable product line Alpaca Bowls has created while being a part of these interesting times we are all living in. The Alpaca “Trainee” line!
We decided after years of being ultra picky on design and colorways to bend the rules a little and offer you guys some fully functioning hand thrown bowls from our intermediate skilled artists.
Made with the same clay, glazed with the same glazes, and thrown to our same spire specifications; these bowls cannot disappoint. We handpicked all “trainee” bowls to assure session quality will not be compromised.
Lower Cost • Uniqueness • Individuality • Made with Alpaca Bowls proprietary materials • Bottom fitting is made to same shape as all Alpaca Bowls to fit 95% of hookahs on market
Little consistency in style and size • Odd shapes and sizes • Not as intricate of colorways • Wont hold as much value as our main production line